Celebrating the career of

Professor Giuseppe Zanotti

Padua, Italy · 27 May 2022

Celebrating the career of

Professor Giuseppe Zanotti

Padua, Italy · 27 May 2022

Celebrating the career of

Professor Giuseppe Zanotti

Giuseppe Zanotti

Padua, Italy · 27 May 2022


In October 2021, Professor Giuseppe Zanotti retired after a long and successful career at the University of Padova. Originally a member of the Department of Chemistry, his interest in proteins later took him to the Department of Biomedical Sciences, which he also directed between 2015 and 2019.

His work has always been rooted in the desire to connect biological function to macromolecular architecture. H. pylori, the bacterium that chronically infects the gastric mucosa of a large part of the human population, was a favourite topic of investigation in his laboratory for many years. However, he also contributed to the determination of many structures mainly by X-ray crystallography and, more recently, also by single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. Ever clear in his explanations he unlocked the secrets of the reciprocal space for generations of structural biologists. His services to the crystallographic community have been recognised with the Mario Mammi gold medal (2007) from the Italian Crystallographic Association (AIC), of which he later became President (2015-2017).

Many of his alumni, collaborators and colleagues have now decided to come together to celebrate his career with an exciting one-day symposium that will be held on 27th May 2022 at the UniPD ‘Fiore di Botta’ building, room 0H. This will be an in-person event. Attendance is free but, for logistic purposes, we kindly request that you sign up through the online system, until 6th May 2022, to secure a place and enable an adequate organisation.

We look forward to welcoming you to Padua in May!

Registration deadline

6 May 2022

With the support of